Monday, March 18, 2013

"Kim Jong-un, mentally unstable"

One of the most important congressmen Americans expressed his concern over the "mental stability" of North Korea's dictator, Kim Jong-un, after months of provocative statements and aggressive behavior of the communist state, the possessor of nuclear weapons. "North Korea has in its running a 28-year-old, who is trying to strengthen its influence over the army and the army is eager to use this moment to reinforce its impact on the country," said Rep. Mike Rogers , chairman of the Congressional Intelligence Committee.
"The combination of these two factors can result in fatal indeed," he added.
The tension on the Korean Peninsula has been a dangerous escalation spiral since December, when Pyongyang sent into space a satellite, through a long-range missile and conducted a nuclear explosion, in February, in the context of weapons testing new.
As a result of these actions in violation of the covenants and commitments signed by North Korea before the UN, communist, became the subject of new economic sanctions, which Pyongyang responded so challenging, reversing the 1953 ceasefire with Korea South and restore the state of war, along with the complete destruction of nuclear threats.
"The fact that North Korea is threatening to open the United States of America with a nuclear attack is a serious problem. This is much more troubling, since we do not know their leader's mental stability reiterate, is only 28 years old. We simply hipotezojmë and we trust that these threats do not materialize into concrete actions, but you can not know

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